

Environment, Travel

When Having Clean Boots Is Actually Important

Bio Security and the South Georgia Habitat Restoration Project

Onboard our Polar Latitudes trip to Falkland Islands, South Georgia and Antarctica full focus was on the precious environment we were in and minimising our impact such as we could. Onboard the ship many things were already in place. No plastics, water stations and refillable bottles, bio-digester for food waste and pre-shore visit lectures with IAATO guidelines to adhere to. No food to be taken ashore and critical to ensure everything you went with came back with you. Humour is a great way to deliver these messages, and our team of guides were excellent on this score!

But for South Georgia and Antarctica there was much more, and here is why….

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Environment, Travel

Antarctic Ambassadors

This is quite an introduction from the International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators (IAATO):

‘Antarctica is a unique and one of the most perfectly preserved regions on the planet…. see how we work to keep it that way’.


Since the first mainland Antarctic landing, thought to be by the sealer Captain John Davis on 7th February 1821 to the first tourist expedition in mid-1900’s there have and always will be, people who want to experience Antarctica. Initially it was the science, pursuit of knowledge and of course geographic claim that were the key reasons for making the treacherous journey to this remote land. With the Artic being more accessible and cheaper to reach, Antarctica escaped mass tourism until the 1900’s then this is what happened…

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Environment, Travel

Citizen Science Anyone?

And can you guess who Antarctica’s most beloved citizens are?

Do you know how difficult it is to get a good photograph of any part of a whale? Well you have to be lucky enough to see them in the first place of course and then have the camera ready just at that exact time they breach to capture that tail or fin. What I didn’t know before our Antarctica trip is that these whale photographs – photos to follow in this blog – capturing precious memories for each of the passengers, could make a much wider contribution….

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Environment, Travel

Antarctica. It’s Time to Act. NOW!

One of our most precious continents. Subject to and suffering from the increases in temperatures to both oceans and atmosphere. Such significant consequences to so much and so many, as sea levels rise and the Southern Ocean’s currents change with the ice melt from what is the planet’s greatest freshwater reserve.

This short ‘teaser’ film, showcasing the collapse of Antarctica is meant to draw your attention to the dramatic effects that are happening right now.

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Environment, Travel

How this all started!

Gold Harbour, South Georgia Island

It’s very difficult to describe life changing experiences. Standing on Gold Harbour beach at 5.30am witnessing the sheer volume of life and realising the absolute fragility of the planet, exacerbated by man…… was like no other moment in my life.

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itmustbeNOW – On Why the Time is Now!

When you are only a metre above sea level, a.k.a. the Maldives, global warming and the resulting melting ice caps kinda get your attention. Landaa Giraavaru, Maldives Four Seasons Resort has to be one of the most beautiful places I have ever visited, a place I feel where you will never be disappointed. Being there felt like the world had stopped and I ‘stepped off it’ for a glorious 14 days – hubby has never seen me so chilled! BUT what is equally stunning about this resort is all they do to implement sustainable, carbon-free solutions to ensure the island has a ‘fairy’ footprint, AND they are transparent about it. Here is what they are part of….

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Try These 3 Changes, Do Your Bit to Save the Planet

Watch episode 6 of Frozen Planet II and I challenge you not to want to take immediate action to reduce your contribution to warming our planet. The loss of ice at both poles, is already devastating species – I added my tears to those of the scientist returning to where the Adele penguin colonies used to be on the West of Antartica, and are no longer. And was heart broken to see their babies dying due to the rain that now falls on their colonies, instead of the crisp cold snow their downy coats can cope with.  

But what can each individual do? Here are 3 things to start with.

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