
Glass recycling


Bringing Oceans Back to Life… One SeaHive at a Time

It’s interesting where and when some of the best ideas can spring to mind. Of course, the difference is whether those ideas are acted on or not. Bringing this story of the SeaHives to you as it’s another excellent example of how an individual or two are making a positive impact on the planet, one step at a time.

What’s unique about this story is materials that potentially cause lasting damage in our oceans, instead of being discarded, are recycled into something new that is restoring life… but I am getting ahead of myself!

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Environment, Travel

Eliminating R22 Gas…

… and a 22% energy saving

Sustainable Tourism at Four Seasons Maldives Series, 6 of 7

I am ‘shouting out’ about resorts where I can see they are truly focussed on leaving the world better than they found it. 

Always looking for ways of becoming more energy efficient, essential air conditioning for the staff quarters, installed over 14 years ago was a potential advocate for significant savings. But a considerable undertaking when you consider they have approx 450 permanent staff plus external third party staff to accommodate.

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Environment, Travel

Being a Good Neighbour, when it comes to Plastics

… 16.7 tons of it!

Sustainable Tourism at Four Seasons Maldives Series, 5 of 7

I am ‘shouting out’ about resorts where I can see they are truly focussed on leaving the world better than they found it. 

You couldn’t really say Landaa Giraavaru has neighbours, not in the traditional sense of being right next door! There are some mainly residential islands that are reasonable close though, with Kamadhoo the closest at just under 3 kms away, Kendhoo and Dhonfanu 11kms.  

Which makes it even more noteworthy that they help their neighbouring islands when it comes to plastics.

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Environment, Travel

A New Use for Scrap Glass?

… the ultimate ‘recycling and re-using’ idea!

Sustainable Tourism at Four Seasons Maldives Series, 4 of 7

I am ‘shouting out’ about resorts where I can see they are truly focussed on leaving the world better than they found it. 

Removing much of the ‘stuff’ that creates waste, especially plastic waste, is the strategy at Landaa Giraavaru. The Landaa Spring – covered in the previous blog and video in this series – is a prime example, fresh island water in refillable glass bottles = no single use plastics from that source. Swapping out plastic bottles in guest bathrooms for cute refillable containers and removing plastic bottles from mini bars, means they already have made big headway into reducing waste, with little coming from guest rooms. But at Landaa Giraavaru they go a lot lot further than this.

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