


Small Changes, Big Impact: How Transition Streets Can Help You Live More Sustainably

I am delighted to announce my involvement with a valuable program called Transition Streets. It’s all about bringing neighbours together to make a positive impact on our community and the environment.

Transition Streets is a grassroots initiative that started in Totnes, England 2010/11, and has since spread to communities in both the US and Australia. The basic idea is that we don’t wait for others, or governments to take action; small groups of neighbours get together to learn about ways to reduce their carbon footprint and live more sustainably by taking practical action together.

Here’s how it works…

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Shining a light on South Wonston Sustainability

‘Just ordinary folk, doing what they do to try to make the world a better place.’

Think you can’t make a difference on a personal scale? Think again.

There’s this group in a relative small community of approximately 800 households, on the outskirts of the city of Winchester, Hampshire that is quietly getting on with something that is producing what I would describe as significant results.

I want to shine a light on the changes they are effecting , see if it can be replicated throughout the country…

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Hungry Anyone?

Playa Blanca seafront, Lanzarote is scattered with bars, cafes and restaurants, with a few breaks where a hotel has that precious beachfront space or a pointed rocky out-crop gives a pleasant return to nature and the sea.

Looking for is burger and chips? Please, close this blog, you are wasting your time!

BUT if you are looking for something a little special, with music or the best of Spanish food, then this might be for you.  

Can you guess which is my favourite restaurant?

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We got wet bottoms at our ‘posh’ Christmas Dinner!

Love it or hate it, Christmas dinner is definitely a thing!  Eating out Christmas Day is typically expensive in the UK, and not always good value.  And what about that staff that have to work that day? Being in Lanzarote for Christmas presented an opportunity to do something different, something special and compare it to the traditional turkey dinner at home or the local pub.  Was it worth it? Was it good value? Did it meet our expectations for a special celebratory meal? Well ……

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