
Chinstrap Penguins

Environment, Travel

Happy Penguin Awareness Day, fellow penguin lovers! 🐧🎉

Can you believe there’s a whole day dedicated to these tuxedo-clad, waddling wonders? Well, there is – it’s today, January 20th, and I thought it would be the perfect excuse to dive into the world of penguins.

I’m completely mesmerised by these charismatic and captivating creatures. But beneath their adorable exteriors lies a whole lot of fascinating facts. As ‘Guardians of the Antarctic’ penguins are iconic symbols, embodying the resilience of life in one of the most extreme environments on Earth but unfortunately, they face some very real threats. So, on Penguin Awareness Day, let’s get clued up on all things penguin!

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Environment, Travel

Antarctica. A Life Changing Experience

After the success of our short film “It’s time to act. NOW“, we didn’t want to stop there! Continuing the collaboration with the various environmental organisations, we’ve produced a short documentary film that follows my life-changing voyage to South Georgia Island and Antarctica.

Join me as I share my journey and experiences in this very visual way, demonstrating how each of us can contribute to the preservation of our environment and the eco-systems that we are both part of and dependent upon….

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Environment, Travel

How this all started!

Gold Harbour, South Georgia Island

It’s very difficult to describe life changing experiences. Standing on Gold Harbour beach at 5.30am witnessing the sheer volume of life and realising the absolute fragility of the planet, exacerbated by man…… was like no other moment in my life.

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